The Revival of the Sanyas Sampradaya (Monastic Order)
March 10, 2020

As part of reviving “Kailaasa”, the enlightenment civilization that was originally established by Paramasiva worldwide, His Divine Holiness is rapidly reviving a vital component of Kailaasa which is the ancient and sacred tradition of “Sanyas” (monasticism).

A Sanyasi (monastic member) is who has understood that enlightenment is the only goal in life and dedicates his life to serve people in achieving enlightenment and living an enlightened lifestyle.

He himself lives an austere life, maintaining highest integrity, authenticity and responsibility to his declaration, thus enriching lives continuously wherever he goes.

“When I was six, Yogananda Puri asked Me, “Do you want to become a Sanyāsi or a grihastha?”

I just stood up proudly and said, “Sanyāsi!” I still remember how I said it. I even stood up and said it so loudly because I didn’t want him to take the decision of grihastha for me! He just put his left hand on My head, and touched some of the points on My brain, like he was playing with My head. I tell you — the way the ecstasy and pleasure simply increased in the system — without the need for any external source… just unimaginable!

Then after two or three days, I asked him, “Did you purify My brain to give me a Sanyās life?”

He said, “I just increased the frequency to seeking, that’s all. If the seeking just becomes powerful, all that is good will become your bio-memory.”

From the time that he put his hand on My head, My entire sexual development stopped. My physiology froze. My sexual physiology did not develop further.”

The power of this declaration by the young Avatār simply stopped the sexual maturity from happening in His body. To date, His medical records reveal that the testosterone (male hormone) levels in The Avatār’s body match the levels that are normally found in a six-year-old male child. Such is the power of His declaration of Sanyas that manifested so instantly and is causing thousands of Sanyasis as well.

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