Vishesha Deeksha
November 2, 2021

Viśeśa Ḍīkśa is fundamentally initiating a seeker into the science of power manifestation which directly opens one’s personal connection with Paramaśiva and KAILASA. Viśeśa Ḍīkśa marks the advent of unimaginable gifts of health, wealth and spiritual-wellness amongst other things.

Viśeśa Ḍīkśa initiation strengthens the foundational ritual of the Shivite Sect of Hinduism and signifies the inception of one’s union with Paramaśiva by performing Ṣiva Puja through the Atma Linga received. Viśeśa Ḍīkśa is the doorway to intensify one’s experience of Paramaśiva. Upon Viśeśa Ḍīkśa initiation, the seeker is  blessed to perform Shiva Puja with the Spatika Atma Linga, in which cosmically infuse the superconscious space of Ṣiva, Ṣakti and Guru.

Shiva Puja, performed with sincere and deep connection of the seeker will unveil to one the essence of Veda, Vedanta, Agama, Agamanta, Yoga, Yoganta, Siddha, Siddhanta, Tantra and Tantranta in it. The timeless civilization of KAILASA, actively and invariably implemented global peace, harmonious co-existence and expeditious reduction of the human ecological footprint through the core traditions, principles and lifestyle of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.  Ved-Agamic scriptures outline the directions of Viśeśa Ḍīkśa initiation, in which it is obligatory to adopt the Vedic lifestyle of pure-vegetarianism, thus living with non-violence and peaceful co-existence with humanity, nature and all living species, efficiently battling today’s world’s most challenging issues of hunger, (lack of) good health and well-being, irresponsible consumption and production, climate action, dead land and water, access to affordable and clean energy, deforestation, resource conservation, ethical environmentalism and waste management.

The initiative of Vishesha Deeksha is designed to heal humanity’s physical and psychological disorders and gift humanity sharper abilities, intensified multi-processing, genetic transmutation, enhanced immune modulation which bear the fruit of nothing less than extraordinary manifestation and materialization abilities.

KAILASA is committed to avail this service of Viśeśa Ḍīkśa which makes one resolute in manifesting the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and KAILASA of Paramaśiva, setting in motion the expeditious escalation of the world’s consciousness through various initiatives, programs, workshops around the world.

KAILASA aims to heal humanity’s physical and psychological disorders and gift humanity sharper abilities, intensified multi-processing, genetic transmutation, enhanced immune modulation which bear the fruit of nothing less than extraordinary manifestation and materialization abilities via the synchronicity with My brain through Viśeśa Ḍīkśa.


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